SharpFuzz: Bringing the power of afl-fuzz to .NET platform
I’m a big believer in fuzzing (if you don’t know what fuzzing is, now is the best time to read my post Going down the rabbit hole with go-fuzz, even if you are not familiar with Go). Unfortunately, it never got popular enough in the context of managed languages such as C# or Java. One of the reasons is that fuzzers are usually security-oriented, and as such they are often used with targets written in C/C++ to find memory-corruption vulnerabilities, which is a class of problems that is completely eliminated in managed programming languages.
The success of go-fuzz proved to me that coverage-guided fuzzing can be surprisingly effective even outside the C/C++ world. Led by its example, I’ve been thinking a lot over the last year about the possible approaches to fuzzing .NET libraries. Today, I can finally present you SharpFuzz.
What types of problems could we possibly find by fuzzing .NET programs, if we know that we don’t have to worry about memory safety? My primary goal was to look for bugs such as out-of-bounds array access, which results in an IndexOutOfRangeException, or dereferencing a null object reference, which results in a NullReferenceException.
C# also doesn’t have checked exceptions, which can sometimes be problematic. If you are using some library method that can throw an exception, you may want to catch it. But what do you catch? If you are extremely lucky and the library is well-documented (which is rarely the case), it might say that it only throws an IOException, for example. However, the compiler doesn’t care about what documentation says, and the documentation can be out of date. Finding this kind of mismatch between the documentation and the actual behavior was the secondary goal of my research.
American fuzzy lop is the most popular fuzzer today. It’s using compile-time instrumentation, which is why we can’t directly apply it to .NET programs, where just-in-time compiler is generating the machine code at runtime. I knew that if all other methods failed, I could always port AFL (or go-fuzz) to .NET, but that would be a pretty time-consuming project. The goal of finding unexpected exceptions was not that important to me, so I started searching for an easier way to accomplish my task.
My initial idea was to try compiling .NET Core applications into native executables using CoreRT, an experimental ahead-of-time compiler. One of the ways CoreRT can generate native code is by using transpiler to convert IL to C++. That was exactly what I was looking for, but there was a catch: exception handling is still one of the big missing features in the C++ code generator. Exceptions were only the main topic of my project, so I had to abandon the CoreRT idea.
The next step was to find out if there exists a project that is successfully using AFL to fuzz programs written in any managed language, which is how I stumbled upon Kelinci. Kelinci is an interface for running AFL on Java programs, and its approach to fuzzing is something that I finally adopted for SharpFuzz (with several important modifications).
Technical details
Most of what I’ll be talking about in this section can be found in the Technical whitepaper for afl-fuzz, which I recommend you to read if you are interested in how AFL works. If you are not interested in the technical details of SharpFuzz, you can safely skip the rest of this section and go straight to the usage details.
In short, AFL employs a “fork server” model, where the instrumented binary forks itself into two processes during fuzzing. The server process communicates with the afl-fuzz via anonymous pipes, while the client process runs the target code and writes the captured coverage results to shared memory. Given that afl-fuzz is using only anonymous pipes and shared memory to communicate with the fuzzed binary, we can easily simulate such behavior in C#.
The second part of the picture is the instrumentation. AFL tracks the branch coverage in the target program by injecting something similar to the following code at each branch point:
cur_location = <COMPILE_TIME_RANDOM>;
shared_mem[cur_location ^ prev_location]++;
prev_location = cur_location >> 1;
This was also easily doable in C#. All I had to do was to rewrite the IL of the target .NET assembly, injecting the equivalent IL instructions where needed. Thanks to Mono.Cecil, that part was super simple (if you are interested in the exact details, take a look at the Method.cs that does the instrumentation, it’s really short and easy to understand).
Detailed usage instructions for SharpFuzz can be found in the README file of the GitHub repository (it’s a very long document, which is why I’m not including it in this post), but I’m going to describe the general idea here anyway.
The first part of the fuzzing is to choose some .NET library and instrument it using the SharpFuzz.CommandLine global .NET tool. The second part is writing the fuzzing function. Taking the AngleSharp HTML parsing library as an example, you would create a new .NET console project, and write a function looking something like this:
using System.IO;
using AngleSharp.Parser.Html;
using SharpFuzz;
namespace AngleSharp.Fuzz
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Fuzzer.Run(() =>
using (var file = File.OpenRead(args[0]))
new HtmlParser().Parse(file);
Any exception not caught in the function passed to Fuzzer.Run will be reported to afl-fuzz as a crash. After instrumenting the binary and writing the fuzzing function, you will also have to create some test cases. They should be short and simple inputs that are accepted as valid by your program. Here’s the HTML I’m using for fuzzing HTML parsing libraries:
After instrumenting the library, writing the fuzzing function, and creating test cases, you will be ready to start the fuzzing. The final step is to run afl-fuzz with the following command:
afl-fuzz -i testcases_dir -o findings_dir dotnet path_to_assembly @@
Writing a fuzzing tool is all well and good, but it’s not enough without proving that it’s effective in practice. I decided to test SharpFuzz on some of the most popular NuGet libraries. To be included in the initial testing batch, the library had to have more than 100K users, and it also had to do some sort of complex input parsing.
My initial expectations were pretty low. I remember thinking that I would call the project successful if I found maybe three of four unexpected exceptions in total, but the actual results completely blew me away:
- AngleSharp: HtmlParser.Parse throws InvalidOperationException
- ExcelDataReader: ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader can throw unexpected exceptions
- ExcelDataReader: ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader throws OutOfMemoryException
- ExCSS: StylesheetParser.Parse throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- Google.Protobuf: MessageParser.ParseFrom throws unexpected exceptions (C#)
- GraphQL-Parser: Parser.Parse takes around 18s to parse the 58K file
- GraphQL-Parser: Parser.Parse throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- Jil: JSON.DeserializeDynamic throws ArgumentException
- Jint: Engine.Execute can throw many unexpected exceptions
- Jint: Engine.Execute terminates the process by throwing a StackOverflowException
- Json.NET: JsonConvert.DeserializeObject can throw several unexpected exceptions
- Jurassic: ScriptEngine.ExecuteFile hangs permanently instead of throwing JavaScriptException
- Jurassic: ScriptEngine.ExecuteFile throws FormatException
- LumenWorks CSV Reader: CsvReader.ReadNextRecord throws IndexOutOfRangeException
- Markdig: Markdown.ToHtml hangs permanently
- Markdig: Markdown.ToHtml throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- Markdig: Markdown.ToHtml throws IndexOutOfRangeException
- Markdig: Markdown.ToHtml throws NullReferenceException
- MarkdownSharp: Markdown.Transform hangs permanently
- MessagePack for C#: MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize hangs permanently
- MessagePack for CLI: Unpacking.UnpackObject hangs permanently
- MessagePack for CLI: Unpacking.UnpackObject throws several unexpected exceptions
- Mono.Cecil: ModuleDefinition.ReadModule can throw many (possibly) unexpected exceptions
- Mono.Cecil: ModuleDefinition.ReadModule hangs permanently
- NCrontab: CrontabSchedule.Parse throws OverflowException instead of CrontabException
- NUglify: Uglify.Js hangs permanently
- Open XML SDK: Add some security/fuzz testing
- protobuf-net: Serializer.Deserialize can throw many unexpected exceptions
- protobuf-net: Serializer.Deserialize hangs permanently
- SharpCompress: Enumerating ZipArchive.Entries collection throws NullReferenceException
- SharpZipLib: ZipInputStream.GetNextEntry hangs permanently
- SixLabors.Fonts: FontDescription.LoadDescription throws ArgumentException
- SixLabors.Fonts: FontDescription.LoadDescription throws NullReferenceException
- SixLabors.ImageSharp: Image.Load terminates the process with AccessViolationException
- SixLabors.ImageSharp: Image.Load throws NullReferenceException
- Utf8Json: JsonSerializer.Deserialize can throw many unexpected exceptions
- Web Markup Minifier: HtmlMinifier.Minify hangs permanently
- YamlDotNet: YamlStream.Load terminates the process with StackOverflowException
- YamlDotNet: YamlStream.Load throws ArgumentException
All of the 25 tested libraries had at least one issue! But not all issues are created equal, so let’s dive deeper into the results.
Unexpected exceptions
Unexpected exceptions were what I was looking for in the first place, and I found a lot of them. In most cases it was some sort of ArgumentException, IndexOutOfRangeException, or NullReferenceException. Most of the libraries have their own custom exception type, and this proves that it’s very difficult to rely on them.
I also found a lot of hangs, both temporary and permanent, even though I didn’t expect them at all. They are much more severe than unexpected exceptions, which you can at least catch. There is nothing simple you can do to combat hangs as a library user.
Uncatchable exceptions
These are the most rare, but also the most devastating. Even if you decide to fight unexpected exceptions by catching all exceptions, AccessViolationException and StackOverflowException will still kill your process mercilessly.
One of the problems with software testing is that developers can’t possibly create test cases that are as malicious as something that fuzzer can come up with. No matter how many unit tests you write, you would probably never test your JavaScript parsing code with any of the following snippets (each one of these broke a different .NET JavaScript engine):
~ (WE0=1)--- l('1');
switch=1) eval('1');
I hope that I’ve convinced you with this that the fuzzing is not just necessary, but that it’s also incredibly fun. Getting started with fuzzing can still be difficult, so if you are running some large or important project, and are interested in fuzzing, I’m ready to assist you in setting up SharpFuzz.
This is just the beginning of the story of .NET fuzzing. I’ll be testing even more NuGet libraries in the future, but I will also fuzz the .NET standard library, which will be the topic of one of my future posts. Happy fuzzing!